29 July 2022

Health: Should you drink water after bathing or not? Know what doctors say?

 Health: Should you drink water after bathing or not? Know what doctors say?

By being aware of the rules and important things related to drinking water, you can avoid its harm. A question arises in the minds of many people that should they drink water after bathing or not? Let's know from an expert doctor what happens to drinking water after bathing?

Drinking Water After Bath is Good or Bad: Drinking enough water keeps your body healthy and reduces the risk of many diseases. Water not only quenches your thirst, it is also essential to keep the body healthy and to ensure that the body's organs function well. Lack of water in the body can cause you many serious problems, due to which headaches, sleeplessness and problems related to blood pressure can also occur.

By being aware of the rules and important things related to drinking water, you can avoid its harm. A question arises in the minds of many people that should they drink water after bathing or not? Let's know from an expert doctor what happens to drinking water after bathing?

Should you drink water after bathing or not?

Should you drink water after bathing or not? Everyone may have a different opinion on that. According to the report of only my health, Ayurvedic doctor of 'Arogya Health Center' Dr. S.K. According to Pandey, the body's blood pressure increases slightly after bathing due to the movement of the body while bathing.

If you drink 1 glass of water after taking a bath, your body's blood pressure starts to normalize. Drinking water is also beneficial for the patient with high BP problem. Drinking water after bathing is very beneficial to keep blood circulation and blood pressure in balance in the body.

Right Ways To Drink Water

Drinking water at the right time and in the right way gives you many benefits. If you drink a glass of water every morning as soon as you wake up, your body organs are activated and the toxic elements in the body are also removed. Apart from this, drinking a glass of water every day before taking a bath is considered very beneficial.

By doing this, your blood pressure remains normal. Apart from this, you should not drink too much water 30 minutes before and 30 minutes after meals. Doing this will make your stomach feel full, besides drinking too much water before or after meals will not digest the food properly in the stomach.


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