10 September 2022

How does the full moon change the health and mood of a person, know here

 How does the full moon change the health and mood of a person, know here

 The moon appears in its full size on a full moon day. This full moon is considered important from the religious and scientific point of view. Usually we think that the moon will not have any significant effect on our life, but it is an astronomical fact that the moon has a huge impact on many important things on the earth. For example, the Moon produces tidal ebb in the ocean. Affects the life cycle and behavior of many different animals and if the Moon's gravitational force is powerful enough to affect the ocean and the Earth's surface, it would be easy to assume that it could also affect the human body. Is.

Full moon can make you more carefree

Bustle. Comfit you feel that you get angry on the full moon day, and then it cannot be just your imagination. Although they do not claim that the moon causes crime or insanity, reports have shown violent cases such as assault, murder, suicide, road accidents and psychopath. The results showed that all types of crime occurred in the days surrounding the full moon.

You can feel motivated as the moon moves towards the full moon, your energy and motivation also increase. As the moon increases in size. You start feeling new. Pay attention to your energy during the two-week period between new moon and full moon and see what changes are visible.

There may be lack of sleep on a full moon day

published in Current Biology In a 2013 study , people who took part in a full moon may have experienced much less sleep than previously thought. Lack of restful sleep can also affect a person's mood and health. Mood can also be affected by less sleep. Due to our sleep, not only our mood but also our health can be affected.


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