21 September 2022

Tricks to Store Bananas : Store ripe bananas in this wonderful way, they will remain fresh for a week, will not spoil

 Tricks to Store Bananas : Store ripe bananas in this wonderful way, they will remain fresh for a week, will not spoil

Tricks to Store Bananas:   Most of the people like to eat banana. In such a situation, to avoid buying bananas again and again, some people buy dozens of bananas from the market. Then what if it is not stored properly then they start spoiling and rot. At the same time, some people buy some raw bananas, which are not good in taste either. You can not even use these bananas for a long time, its color quickly turns black and starts melting. If you are also troubled by this problem, then today we will tell you about such tricks by which you can store ripe bananas for many days. Let's know. 

1. Whenever you buy a banana from the market, wrap the stalk on the top of the banana with plastic or any paper. By doing this the bananas will not spoil for a long time.

2. If you want, you can also hang the banana in the hanger. You will easily find this hanger in the market. This will prevent the bananas from spoiling quickly.

3. You can also use vitamin C tablets to store bananas for a longer period of time. For this, dissolve a vitamin C tablet in water and soak a banana in it. By this the bananas will not rot quickly. 

 4. To prevent a banana from spoiling, never put it in the fridge. Always keep bananas at normal temperature.

5. You can also cover the banana with wax paper. 

6. You can also store bananas with soda water. For this, mix soda in water and soak the banana in it for a while. After that store it at room temperature. This will not spoil the banana quickly. 

7. Citric acid is found in citrus fruits. Soaking and storing bananas in the juice of these fruits will neither spoil them quickly nor will they turn black.


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