12 August 2022

Top 5 Best Motivational Books for Students

 Top 5 Best Motivational Books for Students

Students have a lot going on in their life.

Sometimes they need a little motivation to push past their worries and stresses.

The best way to gain that motivation is by reading a book. Because books can take you to a whole new world.

“That’s the thing about books. They let you travel without moving your feet.”

Jhumpa lahiri

In this post, I’ve compiled a list of the best motivational books for students.

So get ready to be taken to a new world.

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List of The Best Motivational Books for Students:

1. The Alchemist

We all have our dreams, some big, others small. The Alchemist will inspire you to follow those dreams and never give up, no matter what.

The book is about the story of an Andalusian boy who sets on a journey to discover a hidden treasure at the Pyramids of Egypt.

The book takes you through a range of emotions during the boy’s quest for the treasure.

The story easily relates to the readers because once you read it a couple of times, you’ll slowly realize that the book is speaking of your journey towards your dreams.

2. The kite Runner

The Kite Runner will make you reconsider your actions and attitude towards your loved ones.

The story is about the friendship between two boys in Afghanistan and speaks on a range of things – friendship, sacrifice, war, terrorism, love, tragedy, repentance, lies, pain, and redemption.

The story will land you in tears and touch your hearts. This is a must-read book for any student who finds it difficult to control their emotions towards their beloved.

3. Wings of fire

What limits your dream? How big can one dream? What should you dream for? You will find the answers to all these questions in this book.

This is the story of an ordinary Muslim boy in Rameswaram who became a rocket scientist and later on went on to become the President of India.

The books narrate the various adversities Kalam had to undergo to reach the supreme position in India. It is packed with inspiration and will inspire you to work hard to achieve all your worthwhile dreams.

4. The 5 am club 

“Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.”

We’ve all heard this quote dozens of times. But have we put it into practice?

The 5 AM Club motivates you to make small changes in your lifestyle which when compounded over time will make a huge difference in your life.

The books also discuss some best morning practices to brighten up your day and some resting tactics for staying consistent on your path towards success.

5. 7 Habits of highly Effective people

The book is full of real-life experiences that anyone can relate to and implement in your day-to-day life and make you a highly effective person.

The seven habits mentioned in the title are:

Be proactive.

Begin with the end in mind.

Put first things first.

Think win/win.

Seek first to understand and then to be understood.


Sharpen the saw.


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