26 September 2022

There are 2 types of human memory! Know which memory gets reduced when things are forgotten and which are more at risk

 There are 2 types of human memory! Know which memory gets reduced when things are forgotten and which are more at risk

Type of memory : The problem of forgetting is very common. There will be only one person who never forgets anything. If someone forgets to keep the key of his car, then someone buys goods from the shop and leaves it there and comes out empty handed. If someone forgets someone's name, then someone forgets the work told by his parents or boss. Now everyone is on phone call, so nowadays people forget to call even by promising to call. Do you have any such problem in you too, have you also started forgetting your things, do you also suddenly stop while talking and are not able to complete your words? If you have any problem related to this type of forgetting then there is no need to worry, you are not alone like this, there are many such people in the society.

The most important thing is that everyone forgets things, says Dr. Sachin Kandhari, Neurosurgeon and Managing Director at IBS Hospitals. Some are forgetting today, some will forget tomorrow. This process of forgetting continues throughout life. Memory keeps changing with age, but the thing to note is that the problem of forgetting occurs and can happen at every stage of life.

Yes, it is definitely that those who get older, there is more tendency to forget in them. About fifty percent of people over the age of 65 are those whose habit of forgetting is more than the time of their youth. That is an effect of Edge. Often those people forget names, forget to keep their things or even forget what they told their children.

So does the tendency of forgetting come in a person due to increasing age? In response, he said that only aging is not the reason for this. Actually, what happens is that when a person reaches the stage of seniority, then he starts using the brain less, that is, the activity of his brain decreases, due to which he starts forgetting things more. Therefore, it is important that even after becoming a senior citizen, if the brain is kept active by participating in different types of activities, then memory loss can be avoided.

What is memory?

There are different forms of memory. We know that if we are storing a memory, it means that some information is being stored in our brain. It's just a matter of what that information is, and how long we can remember it depends on what kind of memory or information it is.

There are mainly two types of memory – short term memory which is also called working memory and long term memory. The types of memory depend on how long you have stored it in your mind.

Immediate or working memory: Working memory is also understood to be similar to short term memory and is not completely different from short term memory. This is the kind of memory in which you suddenly think, plan and then do that work. For example, you can solve a question without a paper-pen, try to remember a big discussion without writing it down or read a recipe and then start preparing your dish in the kitchen without looking at it. .

Intermediate or short term memory: This comes under the category of primary memory. Short-term memory is the kind in which the human brain temporarily stores some limited information in its brain.

Remote or Long Term Memory: Long term memory is one in which a lot of information is stored in your brain for a long time. Just like you must have heard someone around you saying that the memory of that person is very high, years old things are also remembered. This type of memory comes under the category of long term memory. Generally, long term memory is found in all people, whether it is male or female. In childhood, the formulas or Poem that the teacher reminded during school, they are remembered for a lifetime, are stored in the brain forever. However, it is not that this memory is completely perfect. Usually we remember old things but we also miss something in it.

How does forgetfulness arise?

Many people think that forgetfulness is an early symptom of Alzheimer's disease. But this is not necessary. Forgetfulness can also be the cause of some more serious disease such as pseudo dementia, mild cognitive impairment or dementia. There are also some problems related to memory that are associated with health problems and they can be treated. For example, if someone is taking medicine for a disease, it is possible that due to the effect of the medicine, the person may start forgetting some of his things or things. Diseases like vitamin B-12 deficiency, alcohol addiction, tumors, brain infections, clotting in the brain can also be the cause of memory loss or dementia. Apart from these, problems related to thyroid, kidney and liver can also promote memory loss. Therefore, it is important that doctors treat such diseases at the earliest, so that the patient does not have to go through a phase like memory loss.

Pseudo dementia: If a person is emotionally broken, or he has problems like stress, anxiety, depression, then such problems can make him forgetful and people also start thinking of it as insanity. For example, if someone has lost his job or someone special leaves this world or someone retires and he starts feeling lonely, then the problem of forgetting also arises.

Dementia: This is a condition in which a person's ability to think, memory begins to decrease and his skills are affected in a very serious way and the condition becomes that the person is not able to do his daily tasks properly. Could do it Dementia is not a disease in itself, but rather a group of symptoms caused by diseases such as Alzheimer's. People who have dementia lose their mental strength.

Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI): Symptoms of MCI often include forgetting things, forgetting to attend important events, or forgetting appointments. This type of memory loss is noticed by family or friends and the person who has its symptoms is also at risk of losing their memory. Such problems take a person to the doctor.

What to do to avoid dementia?

If someone in your relatives or friends has problems with memory loss, then definitely show them to the doctor. The doctor may also refer your patient to a neurologist. People who have symptoms of dementia should take precautions to prevent stroke. Keep blood pressure under control, monitor and treat high cholesterol. Control diabetes and avoid smoking.

Family and friends take care of your loved ones in the early stages of dementia and help them with their daily chores. Do physical activities. Keep informing people suffering from dementia about routine life, keep updating them like keep telling them the time, keep telling them where they live and keep updating them about what is going on at home and society .

Wrist pain: Wrist pain is not common, these 5 major diseases can be behind it, know what are the symptoms of these diseases

 Wrist pain: Wrist pain is not common, these 5 major diseases can be behind it, know what are the symptoms of these diseases

The wrist is one of the most used parts of our body and most of our daily activities have to involve the wrist. Therefore, it is common to have wrist sprain or stiffness several times and after that the wrist has to be rested for a few days. As you also know, wrist sprain is painful at times, but still it is a common problem and gets cured on its own. Hence this condition is ignored. But many times the pain in the wrist does not indicate any common sprain or stiffness, but a serious disease, which is very important to get checked at the earliest. The initial symptoms of these serious diseases are similar to common wrist diseases, but later the problem increases. Today in this article we will tell about similar problems and how they should be identified etc.

1. Wrist Pain from Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid Arthritis is the reason behind the pain in any joint of the body, not just the wrist. It is an autoimmune disease and there is no definite cure. But by taking timely care, this condition can be prevented from becoming serious. If you feel that your wrist has been hurting for a long time as well as other joints of the body are also affected, then definitely talk to the doctor about it once.

2. The reason for wrist pain is weakening of the bones

Weakness of bones is called osteoporosis in medical language. This is also a type of bone diseases, in which the bones become severely reduced. The good thing is that this disease is curable and with the help of medicines and special supplements, bone strength can be brought back.

3. Wrist Pain from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

CTS ie Carpal Tunnel Syndrome can also cause wrist pain. However, along with the pain, the hand becomes numb and tingling is also felt. In CTS, a nerve coming out from between the bones of the wrist gets pressed, which causes pain and other problems.

4. Ganglion cyst can cause wrist pain

Some people have a strange lump on their wrist. There is no need to be afraid, this is not a cancerous lump. While some people do not feel pain from ganglion cysts, for others this condition can be quite painful. Therefore, if you feel some lump along with the pain in the wrist, then talk to the doctor about it as soon as possible.

5. Wrist pain due to Kin Box disease

Kin box disease is a rare disease, but it directly damages the wrist itself. In this, the supply of blood to the smallest bone of the wrist is reduced and due to this problems also start to arise. If box disease is not taken care of in time, it can lead to permanent bone loss.

Drink the juice of the leaves of this plant in the disease hidden in the veins! The amount of sugar in the blood will be controlled automatically

 नसों में छिपी बीमारी में पिएं इस पौधे की पत्तियों का जूस! खून में शुगर की मात्रा हो जाएगी खुद-ब-खुद कंट्रोल

आपने अपने आस-पास ढेर सारे पौधे लगे हुए देखे होंगे फिर चाहे उसमें तुलसी, चमेली, गुलाब, एलोवेरा और तमाम तरह के दूसरे पौधे शामिल हैं। आपने ये भी सुना होगा कि बहुत से पौधे कई बीमारियों में आपके काम आ सकते हैं। कुछ पौधें ऐसे चिकित्सीय गुणों से संपन्न होते हैं, जो आपको क्रोनिक बीमारियों से राहत प्रदान करने का काम करते हैं। इन्हीं कुछ पौधों में से एक है पांडन () नाम का पौधा, जिसके बारे में आपने शायद ही सुना होगा। ये पौधा आपको अपने आस-पास दिखाई नहीं देगा क्योंकि आप इसके बारे में मामूली तौर पर ही जानते होंगे। पंदन, एक ऐसा पौधा है, जो आपको ब्लड शुगर में काफी आराम  पहुंचा सकता है। आइए जानते हैं पांडनपौधे के फायदे।

किन चीजों में यूज होता है पांडन

बता दें कि पांडनएक ऐसा पौधा है, जिसमें कई औषधीय गुण मौजूद होते हैं और इसका सबसे ज्यादा इस्तेमाल खाना बनाने में किया जाता है। आपको शायद मालूम न हो लेकिन इस पौधे के पत्ते पालक की तरह ही दिखते हैं और इसका इस्तेमाल पकौड़े या सब्जी का स्वाद बढ़ा सकते हैं। इस पौधे की पत्तियों की मदद से आप न सिर्फ स्वाद बढ़ा सकते हैं बल्कि अपनी सेहत को भी दुरुस्त बना सकते हैं। इस पौधे में मौजूद कई औषधीय गुण आपके शरीर में छिपी क्रोनिक बीमारियोंको ठीक कर सकते हैं।

इन साइंटिफिक गुणों का भंडार पांडन

साइंस की भाषा में पांडनके पौधे को पांडनस एमरिलिफोलियस ) के नाम से जाना जाता है। पांडनकी पत्तियां ढेर सारे औषधीय गुणों का भंडार है, जिसमें विटामिन्स, मिनरल्स और एंटी-ऑक्सीडेंट गुणों के साथ-साथ विटामिन सी, बीटा कैरोटीन, थायमिन, राइबोफ्लेविन और नियासिन जैसे साइंटिफिक गुण प्रचुर मात्रा में भरे हुए होते हैं।

डायबिटीज में फायदेमंद पांडन

बैंकॉक की चूलालोंगकोर्ण यूनिवर्सिटी द्वारा किए गए एक शोध में ये सामने आया है कि पांडन के पत्ते ब्लड शुगर कंट्रोल करने का काम करते हैं। शोध के मुताबिक, पांडनमें मौजूद क्वेरसेटिन नाम का यौगिक डायबिटीज कंट्रोल करने में कारगर सिद्ध हो सकता है बशर्ते आपको इसके यूज का सही तरीका पता होना चाहिए। आइए आपको बताते हैं कैसे कर सकते हैं इसकी पत्तियों का इस्तेमाल।

कैसे करें पांडन का इस्तेमाल

आप पांडन का अर्क, पाउडर या फिर इसकी पत्तियों का जूस बनाकर भी पी सकते हैं, जो आपको लाभ पहुंचा सकता है। आपके लिए इसकी पत्तियों का जूस बनाना ठीक रहेगा और आप रोज भी इसकी पत्तियों का जूस पी सकते हैं, जो डायबिटीज को कंट्रोल करने का काम करता है।

कैसे बनाएं जूस 

1-जूस बनाने के लिए 5-6 पत्तों को धो लें।

2-अब उसमें आधा कप पानी डालकर पीस लें।

3-पीसने के बाद जूस को छानकर पत्ते अलग कर दें।

4-छने हुए जूस में पानी डालकर पी लें।

इन बीमारियों में फायदेमंद 

1-इम्यून सिस्टम होता है मजबूतः पांडनकी पत्तियों में मौजूद विटामिन, मिनरल्स और एंटीऑक्सीडेंट्स आपके इम्यून सिस्टम को मजबूत बनाने का काम करते हैं और संक्रमण से बचाते हैं।

2-डायबिटीज, कैंसर, हार्ट जैसी क्रोनिक बीमारियों में भी पांडन फायदेमंद होता है।

3-इसका जूस आपको ग्लोइंस स्किन प्रदान कर सकता है।



 1. Double Delight

The double delight is truly one of most wonderful roses in the world. It is renowned both in beauty and fragrance. This amazing plant bears large, creamy blossoms edged with striking red color. Each bloom has 30-35 petals. The double delight roses also produce intense spicy fragrance throughout the blooming season.

The double delight roses are definitely a good choice for cutting edge garden and display shows. To develop a striking, rich color, the double delight rose should get full Sun exposure. It grows to a height of approximately 1.5 meters.

Pruning in the spring is another important thing you should consider. It will definitely bring more flowers to your double delight plant. The large, colorful and high centered blooms will appear from spring through fall.

Additional Info

Class : Hybrid tea.

Flower type : Double.

Blooming : Spring through fall.

Caring : Full Sun, moderate watering and pruning in spring.


Throughout the history, there is no other flower as celebrated as roses. They symbolize everything to everyone – love, gratitude, appreciation, spirituality, passion, enthusiasm, friendship, joy and good health. Roses can definitely bring positive changes in our life by inspiring the mood and emotions.

2. Black Baccara

At first look, the Black Baccara look like a large, beautiful black rose. But it is not at all a black rose. Actually, the unique velvet texture of its petals has a strong resemblance with the black color. Black Baccara is also renowned among the rose lovers for its near black color. Each flower opens 4 inches across and contains up to 45 petals.

The Black Baccara rose can be a great addition to your garden and display shows. You will need to choose a location with full Sun exposure to plant this rose. For the healthy growth of Black Baccara, make sure you plant it in a well-drained soil. The shining, velvet colored flowers will appear from spring through fall.

Additional Info

Class : Hybrid tea.

Flower color : Velvet.

Blooming : Spring through fall.

Caring : Full Sun exposure, mild watering and pruning.

3. Gold Medal

As the name suggests, the gold medal plant bears large, brilliantly dark gold colored blossoms. Its flowers form in clusters and each flower consists 30-40 petals. The color of gold medal roses becomes more intense during mild temperature. The intense fruity fragrance of gold medal makes it as one of the best roses to grow in your garden.

The gold medal is an upright and nearly hornless bushy plant. It will reach up to 36 inches in height. For a healthy growth, this plant needs full Sun exposure. You should also cut back its canes in spring and winter. The stunning dark gold colored flowers will appear from spring through summer.

Additional Info

Class : Hybrid tea.

Flower type : Double.

Flower color : Dark gold.

Blooming : Spring through summer.

Caring : Full Sun exposure, mid watering and pruning in spring and winter.

4. Rhapsody In Blue

Rhapsody in blue is a stunningly colorful rose with a color of mauve and purple fade to slate blue. It’s a semi-double rose that form in large clusters. The beautiful Rhapsody in blue roses initially opens as a complete blue colored flowers. But gradually they fade into the slate blue. It is also a great cut flower and can be a better selection for display shows.

To plant the Rhapsody in blue, choose a location where there is moderate temperature and partial Sun. The plant will grow up to 1.2 meters in height. The colorful bloom will appear throughout the summer season.

Additional Info

Category : Shrub.

Flower color : Mauve and purple fade to slate blue.

Blooming : Throughout the summer.

Caring : Partial shade, moderate watering and pruning in summer

5. Victor Hugo

The Victor Hugo rose is among the most beautiful red roses in the world. It produces large blooms of dark red with 25-30 petals. The Strong fragrance is another great feature of this rose. Thus, the Victor Hugo rose is a good choice for making bouquets and vases.

The Victor Hugo rose plants will grow up to a height of 1 meter. It needs full Sun exposure. Pruning is a must for this rose plant in winter and spring. The blooming of Victor Hugo rose will start in the spring and it repeats until the fall.

Additional Info

Class : Hybrid tea.

Flower color : Deep red.

Blooming : From spring to fall.

Caring : Need full Sun exposure, pruning is a must in winter and spring.

6. Albrecht Durer

An attractive rose plant with large, peach blended orange flowers. The intensity of the orange color of this rose changes with the weather. In the winter season, this rose look deep pink rather than orange. The fragrance of Albrecht Durer rose is as famous as its beauty. It produces nose pleasing, intense fruity fragrance.

You can plant this rose on small containers. It will grow up to a height of 90 cm. Pruning and moderate watering are very important for Albrecht Durer rose.

Additional Info

Class : Hybrid tea.

Flower color : Orange.

Blooming : Continual blooming.

Caring : Moderate watering and pruning are important.

7. Red Eden

The Red Eden is an amazing climbing rose with large, old-fashioned bright red flowers. A single blossom of a Red Eden has an average diameter of 5 inches and it contains up to 110 petals. The Red Eden roses are also one among the best-scented roses in the world. It spread intense, mild classic rose fragrance.

Red Eden is a healthy and a continual blooming rose plant. This beautiful climbing rose suited well for the fences. The caring for Red Eden rose is pretty simple. The plant needs full Sun and moderate watering. You should also prune the plant before the leaves coming out. The blooming of Red Eden rose will start in the spring and continues until the end of summer.

Additional Info

Category : Climbing.

Flower type : Fully double.

Flower color : Bright red.

Blooming season : Spring through summer.

Caring : Fully sun, moderate watering and pruning before the growth of leaves.

8. Winchester Cathedral

It is a repeat blooming English rose that bears attractive cupped white flowers. This medium sized roses opens 2.25 inches across with 80-85 petals. Apart from its beauty, the Winchester cathedral is also renowned for its strong fragrance. It produces a pleasant fragrance with hints of almond blossom and honey.

The Winchester cathedral is a disease-resistant plant. It also grows and bloom well over a long period. The seeds should be planted in a part of your garden where it gets partial Sun. The plant grows 1.2 meters in height. The first flower will appear in Summer and it blooms repeatedly until the fall.

Additional Info

Category : English rose.

Flower type : Fully double.

Flower color : White.

Blooming season : Summer to fall.

Caring : Partial Sun and moderate watering.

9. Michelangelo Rose

With the large buttery-yellow flowers, the Michelangelo rose has an excellent, old-fashioned look. Under normal conditions, its flowers open 5 inches across. In each bloom also has 40-45 petals. The Michelangelo rose also renowned for its intense lemony fragrance. It is a good choice for making bouquets.

To plant the Michelangelo rose, choose a location where it gets partial Sun. The plant grows up to 4 feet. Make sure it gets moderate watering. The beautiful, buttery-yellow blooms will appear from mid-spring to fall.

Additional Info

Class : Hybrid tea.

Flower type : Semi-double.

Flower color : Buttery-yellow.

Blooming season : Mid-spring to fall.

Caring : Need partial sun and moderate watering.

10. Joseph’s Coat Rose

If you are looking for a beautiful climbing rose for your garden, then Joseph’s coat can be the best choice for you. In fact, no other climbing roses are as colorful as Joseph’s coat rose. It produces medium blossoms of orange-red shaded with golden color. It grows well on fences and arbors in your garden.

This rose plant is disease free and reach up to 8-10 feet in height. You should plant is a location that provides full Sun. Watering is also important throughout the growing season. Joseph’s coat rose is a continual blooming plant. The brilliant multicolored flowers will appear repeatedly from spring through summer. The flowers are also light, fruity fragrance.

Additional Info

Class : Climber, floribunda.

Flower type : Semi double.

Flower color : Red, pink, orange, yellow and gold.

Blooming season : Spring, summer.

Caring : Watering is important, especially in the growing season. Fertilize the plant every two weeks.

Bleeding from the nose is not common, it may be a sign of these 5 serious diseases

 Bleeding from the nose is not common, it may be a sign of these 5 serious diseases

Nose Bleed Disease Causes

People often think of bleeding from the nose as a common thing. Because whenever this happens it is associated with dry nose, cold and lack of oxygen. But, sometimes it is not due to these reasons and can be associated with some diseases. Today we will tell you about some such diseases in which your nose can bleed. 

Nose Bleeding in High Blood Pressure - High Blood Pressure And Nose Bleeding

Blood comes from the nose in the problem of high blood pressure. In fact, it can damage the blood vessels in your nose and cause bleeding. In this situation you should see your doctor and get a proper check-up done. 

Atherosclerosis- Atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis is a buildup of fat, cholesterol, and other substances in and on artery walls. This buildup is called plaque. These plaques can narrow the arteries, which can affect blood circulation. In such a situation, when the condition becomes more serious, high blood pressure can lead to bleeding from the nose.

Hemophilia - Hemophilia

Hemophilia is a rare disease in which blood does not stop because it does not produce enough blood clotting proteins. If you have hemophilia, you may bleed for a long time after an injury, where the blood does not clot properly. In such a situation, there may be a problem of blood coming from your nose.

Chronic Liver Disease

Chronic liver diseases such as liver cirrhosis can also cause nose bleeds. Also, this epistaxis which occurs due to chronic liver disease. In this, the fuels start coming out of the body. Avoid such situation.

Nasal Tumors

A nasal tumor is a tumor in the nasal cavity. It is also called paranasal tumours. These begin in the air-filled chambers around the nose. There may be bleeding from the nose. So, do not ignore all such situations and see a doctor. So that, it does not become the cause of any serious disease and you can get yourself treated in time.

If you want a natural look, try these 5 things instead of lipstick

 If you want a natural look, try these 5 things instead of lipstick

Everyone wants to look beautiful and tries many different makeup tips to look beautiful and one of them is lipstick, even if you do not feel like doing makeup, you can look beautiful by applying lipstick alone. If you want a completely natural look on the lips, then you can try some other lip products instead of lipstick. So know what you should use for a natural look so that both your lips and face look attractive and beautiful.

lip crayons

The fashion of applying lip crayons is increasing very fast. This kajal is like a pencil, just keep sharpening and keep applying. If you want to make your lips smooth, then use lip crayons instead of lipstick. You can make your lips look natural with both matte and gloss lip crayons. It moisturizes the lips.

lip liner

Before applying lipstick, make sure to use lip liner, its color should be similar to the color of your lipstick. Many times people apply different colored lip liner and lipstick, due to which the attractiveness of the lip decreases. If there is no matching color, then it should be one that does not look different from it. Apply a lip pencil to the outline of the lips, fill in the lipstick with a lip pencil, this will make the lipstick last longer. After this, spread the lipstick well on the lips with a brush.

lip stain

Lip stain is more durable than lipstick and does not spread. It is not sticky like lipstick. If you do not want the color of your lips to come off throughout the day, then lip stain can be a good option. These are water or gel based, in which they are made by adding some oil and dye.

lip gloss

Lip gloss keeps your lips soft and soft and also gives a beautiful look. Lip gloss is a good choice for making lips look bright and colorful or natural. They are made of a mixture of waxes, oils and pigments, just like lipsticks. Lip gloss is great for thin lips. It creates a glossy coating on the lips, which makes the lips appear more plump and full.

lip balm

Due to dry air, cold or sun, the lips become dry quickly and they become crusty. Lip balm creates a layer on the surface of the lips, which locks the moisture and keeps the lips soft. The wax, paraffin, lanolin, etc. present in lip balm keep the lips from drying out and they do not even scab over. If there is a scab, it fixes it. You can choose the shade that suits you according to your choice.

Winter Lip Care Tips: Lips will not crack in winter, when you will follow these tips

 Winter Lip Care Tips: Lips will not crack in winter, when you will follow these tips

As soon as the winter season starts, the lips start cracking first and if you do not take care of them properly then they look very bad. Along with your skin, you should also take care of your lips in winter. Before your chapped lips start showing, get them treated properly. Here we are telling you some winter lip care tips to keep your lips soft.

follow ayurvedic method

According to Ayurveda, applying ghee or mustard oil to your navel prevents chapping of your lips . With the help of a cotton cloth, you apply mustard oil or ghee in your navel. After that lie down for 5 minutes so that the oil does not spread here and there. In this way your face will shine and the moisture of your lips will remain intact.

don't bite your lips

Do not bite the dead skin of your lips repeatedly with your teeth, it can later take the form of a wound. Avoid the habit of licking your tongue repeatedly on dry lips. Instead, drink some water or apply lip balm whenever you feel cracked lips. Repeatedly moving the tongue on dry lips (lip care tips in winter) makes them dry.

moisturizer before lipstick

Lipstick can dry out your lips in this season, so always apply lip balm or moisturizer before applying lipstick. By doing this your lipstick will stay intact for a long time and the moisturizer base on them will protect them from drying.

clean the crust

Like your face, dead skin tends to collect on your lips. For this, you massage them with a natural scrub made of olive oil and sugar. With the help of a toothbrush made for young children, gently scrub your lips and remove the dead skin. Then wipe the lips (winter lip care tips) with the help of a dry cotton cloth or tissue paper. Keep repeating this method for a few days in winters, the dryness of the lips will go away easily.

drink plenty of water

By keeping your body hydrated, many problems related to your skin go away on their own. Dehydration is the main cause of chapped lips . To avoid dry chapped lips, drink at least 8 glasses of water daily even in winters.

don't wear matte lipstick

These types of lipsticks tend to dry out your lips, as well as make your chapped lips more visible. However, if you love matte lipsticks, then apply lip balm to your lips before applying it, then use it. Apply lip balm even after removing it.

If there are these 5 problems in the body, do not forget to drink milk at night! Something like this will happen with the face-bones, the senses will fly away

 If there are these 5 problems in the body, do not forget to drink milk at night! Something like this will happen with the face-bones, the senses will fly away

Do not drink milk in these 5 problems at night!

Side effects of drinking milk at night : We all know how beneficial drinking milk is for our health. People also drink milk to strengthen bones and maintain health. Some people drink milk at night, while some people like to drink milk during the day. Many people drink milk after coming from the gym, while some eat milk shakes and all kinds of milk-based products before going to the gym. But do you know that if you have some diseases in your body, then you should not consume milk even by forgetting. According to a report by Healthline, if you are a victim of these problems, then do not forget to drink milk at night Let us know what are these problems.

1-Acne Problem

In a 2016 study, it was found that people who were troubled by the problem of acne drank high amounts of low fat or skim milk. Explain that dairy can also trigger acne in youth. Other studies have also linked acne to skimmed and low-fat milk. This may be due to milk's effect on certain hormones, including insulin and insulin-like growth factor (IGF-1). However, more research is needed to ascertain the connection between diet and acne. It has been revealed in many clinical trials that milk and some dairy foods can work to worsen eczema.  


Some experts estimate that 5 percent of children are allergic to milk. It can cause allergic reactions on the skin, such as eczema and some intestinal problems: 1-Stomach pain 2-Constipation 3-Diarrhea Other severe reactions include: 1-Hyper sensitivity 2-Wheezing 3-Difficulty in breathing 4- Bleeding in stools 5- Milk allergy may increase in children.

3-Bone Fractures

Drinking three or more glasses of milk a day may increase the risk of bone fractures in women. A research found that this may be due to a sugar called D-galactose in milk. However, the study clarified that more research is needed before dietary recommendations can be made. Another study showed that the risk of bone fractures due to osteoporosis is highest in older people who consume more dairy, animal protein and calcium.  


In addition to milk and other dairy foods, foods that contain excess calcium may increase the risk of prostate cancer. The sugar present in milk works to increase the risk of ovarian cancer.

5-Lactose Intolerance

Cow's milk contains a higher amount of lactose than the milk of other animals. A 2015 review revealed that 65 to 70 percent of the world's population has some form of lactose intolerance. Most people with this condition can safely include small amounts of dairy products in their diet.  

Keep this Navratri fast with the hectic timing of the office, will not fall ill and the body will be detox

 Keep this Navratri fast with the hectic timing of the office, will not fall ill and the body will be detox

Navratri Fasting Tips: Navratri 2022 is starting. At this time, Maa Durga is worshiped in every household of India. People worship nine forms of Maa Durga for nine days and pacify the mind spiritually. In such a situation, there has been a tradition of fasting and many people keep fast during this time. But for people with hectic office timings (Fasting Tips For Working Professionals), it becomes difficult to keep fast at times. Actually, in fasting with the stress of work, many times the body becomes weak and we fall ill. But today we will give you some special tips which can help you to keep fast along with office work in Navratri.

Keep Navratri Fasting With Hectic Timing of Office - Navratri Fasting Tips

1. Avoid Stress

Stress can harm your health during Navratri fasting. This can make you feel more vulnerable. In such a situation, the first thing to do is to avoid stress. Try not to stay hungry for hours together and keep eating and drinking something. When the work becomes too much, take a good sleep in between. Close your eyes and drink a glass of juice. This will make you feel better.

2. Keep the body hydrated

During the fast, keep yourself hydrated more than the rest of the day. For this, take herbal tea as soon as you wake up in the morning. After that consume vegetable juices and fruit juices. If you don't like it, make a smoothie and drink it. If you are not taking salt, then take rock salt. In this way protect your body from getting weak during fasting.

3. Eat fruits and dry fruits in between

Always keep fruits like banana, apple, guava and orange with you. Will control your energy level. Bananas provide instant energy so keep them on your desk. Apart from this, you can also do that dry fruits which you like and can also eat them in between. This will maintain the energy level in the body and you will not feel weak.

4. Drink milk instead of tea and coffee

Tea and coffee can further dehydrate you. That is , it can cause a lack of water in the body . Therefore, avoid taking them in large quantities. Instead, take warm milk. This will have two advantages. Firstly your body will have energy, secondly it will help in maintaining BP level. Third, it will also be a brain booster for you. So whenever you feel like drinking tea and coffee, drink a cup of hot milk.

5. Avoid Acidity

Not eating food for a long time can lead to acidity. So eat regular food during the fast. In such a situation, take a handful of fruits or nuts for breakfast. Have fruits, vegetables and smoothies in lunch. Keep drinking water in between. Then in the evening eat buckwheat flour roti, cucumber raita and coconut chutney. After this keep drinking water and do not eat food at night.

Curry Tree (Meetha Neem): Health Benefits, Uses, Side Effects And More

 Curry Tree (Meetha Neem): Health Benefits, Uses, Side Effects And More

Various types of antibiotics are used in today's time, which also have many side effects. At the same time, Ayurvedic medicines do not have any side effects. Therefore, we also use them in our food. You must have heard of the curry leaf scientifically named Murraya Koenigi. It can be considered a natural medicinal plant in Ayurveda. Despite having a slightly acidic and pungent taste, it is widely used to flavour foods. But simple curry leaves have more than just taste. It is packed with health benefits from helping your heart function optimally to invigorating your hair and skin with vitality. Today we will discuss the benefits, uses, and side effects of curry leaves, which have similar medicinal properties.

Nutritional Properties Of Curry Tree

Curry leaves are fast-growing deciduous shrubs that are part of Indian cuisine. It is also used for seasoning or garnishing all dishes. Curry leaves are rich in essential nutrients like copper, minerals, calcium, phosphorus, fibre, carbohydrates, magnesium, and iron.

Benefits and Uses of Curry Tree

Curry leaves contain elements like tannins, and carbazole alkaloids, which are very beneficial for the liver. Along with increasing the functionality of the liver, it helps reduce diseases like cirrhosis and hepatitis.

Curry leaves also have benefits for keeping the heart healthy. According to research, the consumption of curry leaves can help prevent heart-related diseases.

Consuming curry leaves for diarrhoea is very beneficial. This is because it contains carbazole alkaloids, which have an extraordinary ability to cure diarrhoea.

Curry leaves are the most beneficial for you with the problem of diabetes. You can chew 4-5 leaves regularly, which will keep your diabetes under control.

Curry leaves contain vitamin C and iron, which reduce anaemia in anaemic patients. In addition, it enhances the eyes and maintains a glow on the skin.

Uses Of Curry Tree Include The Following:

You can either chew them and then drink some water or boil the leaves in a cup of water for six minutes, strain and drink while it is still lukewarm.

To treat nausea, fry them (six fresh curry leaves, washed, dried and then fried with half a teaspoon of ghee, cooled and eaten.

To treat bad breath, take fresh curry leaves, chew for a minute, and then rinse your mouth with water.

To treat diabetes, make a chutney that can be eaten with food, roti roll or mixed in anything.

Side Effects of Curry Tree

It has hypoglycemic properties, which are known to control diabetes, so consuming it in excess can cause low blood sugar complaints even in people with normal blood sugar levels.

Excessive consumption can cause common symptoms like heartburn, gas, and nausea.

Speaking about the harm of curry leaves, allergic effects can also be seen in some people.

Applying curry leaf paste or its oil may cause a burning sensation in some people.

Moringa: Health Benefits, Uses And Side Effects

 Moringa: Health Benefits, Uses And Side Effects

Moringa is also known as 'drumstick tree' or 'tree of life' or even 'miracle tree.' Its nutritional values are of a very wide range. It contains essential amino acids, bioactive compounds, fiber, carbohydrates, mineral, vitamins and many more. It is a very ancient herb and has been in use for a long time. It really acts like a miracle cure for all kinds of ailments. It is considered as a very powerful plant. Moringa plant is edible and the leaves are the most most nutritious and edible.

Health Benefits Of Moringa

Here are 10 health benefits of Moringa.

Moringa leaves are packed with amino acids, protein, 27 vitamin, almost 46 antioxidants, calcium, iron, magnesium and potassium. It aids in the normal functioning of the body.

Moringa helps the body fight inflammation. It contains phytonutrients, antioxidants and antibacterial compounds that aid in this task. These compounds target free radicals (compounds that damage cells) and as a result reduces oxidative stress, inflammation and fights disease.

Moringa is also known to be a sort of an aphrodisiac. It can increase your sexual drive.

It is a great energy booster. The high quantity of vitamins and minerals in moringa helps sustain long term energy and also increases metabolism.

Moringa may boost cognition given its amino acid and vitamin profile. It contains the happiness hormone, serotonin and also its precursor, tryptophan.

Moringa is believed to aid in blood sugar balance thanks to its chlorogenic acid and ratiocinates.

Moringa is packed with antioxidants like flavonoids and polyphenols, which may combat premature wrinkles and keep your skin looking youthful, according to research.

If you struggle with high blood pressure, adding moringa to your diet regularly might make a difference.

This herb is very good for digestion and constipation because it has a lot of soluble and insoluble fibers.

Moringa has properties that help lower lipids and prevents plaque build up in artery walls, this supports the heart health.

Uses Of Moringa

This plant is very versatile in nature. You can add it in a variety of foods starting from meals to snack items and even beverages like tea or juice. Its properties will impact you in any way you consume it.

Side Effects Of Moringa

This plant is very powerful and that is why is recommended to be used in small quantities. If consumed in large quantities, you can get stomach upset, digestive issues or abdominal pain. In case you are breast feeding or are pregnant, do not consume this at all. The bark, root and flowers of this plant contains some chemical which may harm you.

Cardamom (Elaichi): Health Benefits, Uses, Side Effects And More

 Cardamom (Elaichi): Health Benefits, Uses, Side Effects And More

Our spices and herbs that are beneficial are found in our kitchen. We all use cardamom to bring an excellent aroma to any dish of food or drink. It is also commonly used as an Ayurvedic herb to treat several health problems. The properties of cardamom are very effective in treating cold-cough, digestive issues, vomiting, urinary problems, etc. This article will explain cardamom's advantages, disadvantages, and side effects.

Medicinal Properties Of Cardamom

People can also take cardamom as a supplement to supplement its health benefits. If you look at the elements found in cardamom, carbohydrates, dietary fibre, calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, and phosphorus are mainly found in it, which are considered very beneficial for a healthy body. Their many types of cardamom are:

Small cardamom

Big cardamom

Green cardamom

Black cardamom

Brown cardamom

Red cardamom

Cardamom Uses And Benefits

If we talk about the benefits of eating cardamom, then many medicinal properties are found in cardamom, which includes:

Cardamom consumption gives you relief from the problem of sexual dysfunction or infertility. Boil cardamom in milk and mix it with honey and consume it while sleeping at night.

Regular consumption of cardamom can beat dangerous diseases like cancer. In addition, its anti-inflammatory elements help fight oral and skin cancer.

Cardamom contains magnesium and potassium, so the body's blood circulation always remains normal. As a result, blood pressure also remains under control.

You can always consume cardamom after eating food if you are troubled by stomach problems like gas and acidity.

The effect of cardamom is hot, which proves to be effective in asthma.

The anti-inflammatory effects and antioxidant properties present in cardamom relieve the problem of chronic diseases, i.e., allergies and inflammation.

Cardamom will be very beneficial for problems like cold, cough or sore throat. At night, chew cardamom with lukewarm water and eat it.

Cardamom extract prevents anxious behaviours. This is because low blood levels of antioxidants have been linked to the development of anxiety and other mood disorders.

Cardamom Side Effects

Along with the advantages of consuming cardamom, there are also disadvantages. The disadvantages of cardamom among these are as follows:

Although there are no side effects of cardamom, consuming it in large quantities during pregnancy can lead to miscarriage.

Information regarding the consumption of cardamom during breastfeeding is not available. Refrain from consuming it.

If you have gallstones, do not consume them in large quantities. This can increase the pain of the stone.

If taken in excess or for a long time, it can cause allergic reactions.

Navratri 2022: How to worship at home on Shardiya Navratri? Know worship method, date, muhurta and worship material

 Navratri 2022: How to worship at home on Shardiya Navratri? Know worship method, date, muhurta and worship material

Shardiya Navratri 2022: Shardiya Navratri is starting from 26 September. This holy festival of worship of Mother Adishakti will start from Monday, 26 September and will end on 05 October. Navratri has a special significance in Hinduism. During the nine days of Shardiya Navratri, the devotees of Mata Rani observe a fast and worship the mother ritually. These holy days of Navratri are considered very best for auspicious works. Many auspicious works are done on these days. According to the scriptures, the nine Tithis of Navratri are such, in which any auspicious work can be done without seeing the Muhurta. On the auspicious occasion of Navratri, most people start a new business or enter a new house. If you worship at home during Navratri, then for this you should take special care of some things. Let us know about the method of worshiping at home and the material of worship. 

Shardiya Navratri Tithi Muhurta 

Pratipada date starts - 26 September 2022, at 03.23 in the morning 

Pratipada date ends - 27 September 2022, at 03:08 in the morning

Ghatsthapana Morning Muhurt - 06.17 am to 07.55 am 

Total Duration: 01 hour 38 minutes

Ghatsthapana Abhijeet Muhurt - 11:54 am to 12:42 pm

Total Duration - 48 minutes

Materials for setting up the Kalash

Kalash, Mouli, Mango leaf Pallava (5 mango leaf nuggets), Roli, Gangajal, Coin, Wheat or Akshat,

Material for sowing Jawar

Earthen pot, Pure soil, Wheat or Barley, Clay A clean cloth, clean water, and Kalava to keep on. Brass or earthen lamp, Ghee, cotton wick, Roli or vermilion, Akshat

for lighting an unbroken flame.

Havan material for nine days

On Navratri, devotees perform Havan for the entire nine days. For this, havan kund, mango wood, black sesame, rolia kumkum, akshat (rice), barley, incense, panchmeva, ghee, frankincense, pair of cloves, guggal, lotus gutta, betel nut, camphor, bhog to be offered in the havan, Pure water (for aamchan).

Material for the

decoration of Mata Rani During Navratri, makeup should also be offered to Mata Rani. These makeup materials are essential for Mata Rani. Red chunri, bangles, perfume, vermilion, mahavar, Hindi, mehndi, kajal, beechia, garland, anklet, lali and other make-up items.

Kalash Establishment Worship Method

Waking up early in the morning on the Preparation of Shardiya Navratri, take a bath and wear clean clothes. 

On the first day, make swastikas on both sides of the main entrance of the house and put a pylon of mango and Ashoka leaves on the main door. 

After this, make a swastika sign there by laying a post.

After that vaccinate with Roli and Akshat and then install the idol of the mother there. 

After that worship the mother by law.

The urn should be kept in the north and north-east direction i.e. northeast and the mother's post should be decorated.

While placing the coconut on the Kalash, care should be taken that the face of the coconut should not face downwards.

Apply Ashoka leaves all around the mouth of the Kalash and then wrap a chunari on a coconut and tie it with Kalevala. 

Now invoke Ambe Maa. After this, worship by lighting a lamp.

21 September 2022

Tricks to Store Bananas : Store ripe bananas in this wonderful way, they will remain fresh for a week, will not spoil

 Tricks to Store Bananas : Store ripe bananas in this wonderful way, they will remain fresh for a week, will not spoil

Tricks to Store Bananas:   Most of the people like to eat banana. In such a situation, to avoid buying bananas again and again, some people buy dozens of bananas from the market. Then what if it is not stored properly then they start spoiling and rot. At the same time, some people buy some raw bananas, which are not good in taste either. You can not even use these bananas for a long time, its color quickly turns black and starts melting. If you are also troubled by this problem, then today we will tell you about such tricks by which you can store ripe bananas for many days. Let's know. 

1. Whenever you buy a banana from the market, wrap the stalk on the top of the banana with plastic or any paper. By doing this the bananas will not spoil for a long time.

2. If you want, you can also hang the banana in the hanger. You will easily find this hanger in the market. This will prevent the bananas from spoiling quickly.

3. You can also use vitamin C tablets to store bananas for a longer period of time. For this, dissolve a vitamin C tablet in water and soak a banana in it. By this the bananas will not rot quickly. 

 4. To prevent a banana from spoiling, never put it in the fridge. Always keep bananas at normal temperature.

5. You can also cover the banana with wax paper. 

6. You can also store bananas with soda water. For this, mix soda in water and soak the banana in it for a while. After that store it at room temperature. This will not spoil the banana quickly. 

7. Citric acid is found in citrus fruits. Soaking and storing bananas in the juice of these fruits will neither spoil them quickly nor will they turn black.

Tips to Store Green Peas: Store green peas like this for a long time, it will remain fresh for a long time

 Tips to Store Green Peas: Store green peas like this for a long time, it will remain fresh for a long time

Tips to Store Green Peas:   Peas are nutritious as well as very tasty. Along with having carbohydrates, vitamin B, fiber, protein is also found in it. But if you feel like eating peas after winters, then you are forced to buy peas in cold stores or packets. In such a way, you can store green peas at home in a very easy way so that they will not get spoiled throughout the year and will be fresh and tasty whenever made. We will tell you some easy tips by which you can store green peas for a long time.

Know the best way to store green peas - 

Always buy good quality green peas from the market and store only clean grains. 

After that heat water in a vessel. After that put some sugar in boiling water.

After that add peas to it.

After about 2 minutes turn off the gas and then take out these peas from the water.

Now pour ice cold water in another pan and put peas in it.

 After keeping the peas in it for 1-2 minutes, remove the water from them.

Now fill them in a zipped polythene or air tight container and store them in the refrigerator. 

If you want to keep the peas fresh without boiling, then pour a little mustard oil on the peeled big peas and apply oil on the whole peas by mashing them with both hands. 

Applying oil to the peas will prevent the freezer snow from sticking to the peas. 

Now fill these peas in polythene and put a zip and keep them in the refrigerator. 

keep this in mind 

While peeling peas, keep thick peas separately and finely ie small peas as small peas are very raw and they can spoil quickly. 

Use small zippers instead of big zipper polythene as it will be easier to keep them in it. 

Soak the preserved peas in water for 5 minutes before using them.